M O D U L A R I T Y   O N   T H E   U N A   R I V E R
Re-Inventing K67 
ARCH 5500 | Spring 2022
Based on our initial research we found that the rivers of Bosnia are a unique case. Similar to the K67, the rivers are a neutral ground where different groups of people come together. The potential we found with the rivers is that it is a very underdeveloped typology and not fully well-used. 
B O S N I A   &   H E R Z E G O V I N A   M A P S
Rivers & Land Use Map
Rivers & Land Use Map
Rivers Map
Rivers Map
Rivers & Node Map
Rivers & Node Map
Node Map
Node Map
Roads & Node Map
Roads & Node Map
Road Map
Road Map
The selected project's location is in Bihac city of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Bihac's natural environment includes the Una River flows through the city and two main types of land use are mix farming and forest. The city of Bihac has the main E761 road pass through the city and transit to other cities. According to the 2013 census, the city of Bihac has a population of 61,200.
Accessibility Points Map
Accessibility Points Map
Site Buildable Map
Site Buildable Map
People visit the rivers for recreational use but are limited to accessibility throughout the river based on water depth or rough land terrain. Our idea is to bring more people closer to the water, though more easily accessible routes to access different parts of the river that were previously more difficult to traverse.
P R O J E C T   D E V E L O P M E N T
To achieve these activities, we created a catalog of different platforms that can work independently but work best in a system where they are put together. The platforms are derived from a 6'x6' grid that can be either subdivided into a 3’x3’ or rotated to create a variety of different platforms. The 6’x6’ originated from the idea of circulation which allows for two people to circulate from the opposite directions. 
The next step of the design is to combine the general programs with the system of platforms and that would create new programs, such as diving platforms, benches to sit near trees, towers for views and zipline, mesh trampoline to jump and rest, floating stages, multifunction bridges, floating screens, pavilion areas, and even fishing platforms.
S E L E C T E D   U N A   R I V E R   P L A N   V I E W
P E R S P E C T I V E   R E N D E R I N G S
Bridge Platform
Bridge Platform
Floating Stage
Floating Stage
Multi-Function Tower
Multi-Function Tower
U N A   R I V E R   S E C T I O N S
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